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Do you have a story to tell but no inclination or time to write it yourself?
​You may want to leave a story for your family. You may have a story that you know the public needs to hear. You may want to explore something you believe in. Whatever it is, it is a burning desire. I can make that happen by listening to you, bringing it alive for you on the page and helping you to get it into print.
I have written countless memoirs for famous and non-famous alike. I’ve even written some novels for people. YOUR name is on the book as the author, but I write it for you and you retain all the rights to it.
The Benefit to You: Working on a book about your life or an idea you have is transformative and a major accomplishment. You will gain new insights as we write the book. You will have a lasting legacy.
How do we do it? We meet or meet on zoom and you tell me the scope of the story. I then make an outline of how the story should be told to get the most attention from the reader. I then interview you chapter by chapter (in person or zoom) and send you chapters as I complete them. You make changes and then we move onto the next chapter.
How long does it take? Usually, six months to write a publishable book.
What is the cost? I get paid by the month and it is negotiable based on the project.
What is unusual about me as a ghost? I listen attentively. I write well and energetically. I bring some psychological acuity to it so together we go deeply to the real “heat” of the story and what will make people sit up and pay attention.

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